New To this Blog Thing.
My best fiend Katie has always been one to inspire me. She has started a blog and it sparked my interests to start one of my own. I figure that keeping a blog will be a good way to keep friends and family informed of my crazy day-to-day life as well as give me a chance to look back on what I was doing in my life at age 30.
My daughter Kylie is now 16 months old. It will be fun to look back and share with her of all the adventures she encountered throughout her early life.
I will say that I am not much of a writer. I used to be, that is, back in the day of boy craziness in high school and such. You know how girls are at that adolescent age. But this will be my first attempt of writing a journal that is real and not stuffed with cheesy things like "Oh my gosh, he held my hand today!"
I promise to myself as well as my readers that I will try to write something small
every night after the little one goes to bed and I have some time to just relax.
So welcome to my blog and enjoy my random stories about me, my adorable daughter Kylie and my wonderful husband Steve. Who knows, maybe you will make it into one of my blogs someday.
God Bless and enjoy!

Hey Donns!!! Good to see you here! I will definately be 'tuning' in. :)
ps, Kylie's mittens somehow ended up in my pocket. I will get them to you soon!
Hello to the best paint-color-picker-outer-in the world...Welcome to blog land...I'm addicted! Katie got me started on mine, too.
You're daughter is very cute----
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