Monday, March 23, 2009

Is that all?!

Spasmodic Croup. All parents need to know about this. Let me set the scene.

Friday Night:

8:00p.m.-Kylie goes to bed a happy baby.

8:30p.m.-Talking on the phone with Katie about ordinary things, crafts and exciting house news!

9:30ish or so- Katie and I finished talking and Steve and I questioned if we want to watch a late movie on demand or not.

10:30p.m.- After still discussing the movie we want to watch, I hear a noise. I assumed that it was our weirdo neighbors but I wanted to make sure that it wasn't Kylie.

10:31p.m.- Rush upstairs to find Kylie gasping for air. I called for Steve.

10:35 or so- I ran down the stairs to get Kylie some water

10:36- Kylie still not able to breath after water. In a quick panic we rushed Kylie down stairs and realized that something was VERY VERY seriously wrong!

10:40- Steve asked me to do the Heimlich maneuver on Kylie thinking that she could have swallowed something.

10:42- While Steve called 911, I was looking at my baby gasping for air while holding her in my arms and attempting a Heimlich maneuver on her. (Not sure how hard to actually press if she didn't really swallow something, pressing too hard will break a rib.) I thought that at this moment I was going to lose Kylie. Her face was pink and she wasn't breathing. Nothing was in her crib that she could have choked on. Steven was crying, and I was beside myself on how I can save her. My heart was sinking in my chest and I had no idea what was happening to my Kylie. She kept looking up at me as if she was saying "Mommy help me, I can't breath mommy!" Could you imagine how that must have felt. Steven kept telling me, do something honey, save her! I felt like I was holding my daughters life in my hands. I prayed to God to help us.

10:55- The paramedics arrive at our door. By this time, I was just holding Kylie in my arms rocking her and she seemed to calm down a bit and catch some breath.

11:00- After taking a look at Kylie, the paramedics said that it looks like she is having some upper-respiratory issues going on and that they advised us to take her to the ER.

11:15- We arrive at the ER. Kylie is doing ok at this moment. We wait around for a few minutes and the nurse took us in right away.

11:30- Kylie's temp. was taken and they checked her blood pressure. Her temp. was a little up and gradually moving towards a fever.

11:50- The Dr. examined Kylie. Right away they diagnosed Kylie with Spasmodic Croup with a kind, Oh yeah, it's just Croup kind of attitude. Now, I've heard of Croup before because I work with children, but nothing like this. I think that this is something that all parents need to be told about. Steven and I thought that we were going to loose our little girl. This was the most terrifying thing in the world.

12:20- The Dr. gave Kylie a breathing treatment twice. Kylie liked this as she had a big smile on her face when we were giving her the medicine.

12:50- The Dr. prescribed her steroid medicine. Anti-biotics do nothing to get rid of croup as it is viral and not a baterial infection.

1:50- We were able to leave the hospital, safe and sound. Kylie was so tired but she was doing very well when we left. She was acting like her old self.

Thank you Lord for being there with our family and for saving my daughter. If I didn't hear Kylie yelling from upstairs, who knows what could have happened. I am still going through some mental healing from seeing my little girl gasp for air to breath.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss has inspired me this month as it was his birthday on March 1st. Go new places. Hmmmmm. You mean places that you aren't taken advantage of, you aren't bitten, or places where you are actually valued as a person? Hmm, this sounds wonderful. I would DO this on a train, I would do this on a plane, I would like to interview for this new job that has come into my new "places to go".

I have always know that the business of working for a school district is ALWAYS political bull crap. I thought that working in a school district would give me opportunities to get a foot in the door towards my profession of a Music Teacher. Instead, I am stuck doing the same things that I feel I was met to do for the rest of my life. Watch over thous children with disabilities with no career advancement what so ever. My heart goes out to these children, but no one respects the time and effort that I put forth to help these kids. I know, I know, kids appreciate me and need me but then they turn around and bite me and stab me in the wrist. I'm sorry, but I'm done with that. And because I hold a Bachelors degree, I am doing the same amount of work the teachers do and get paid crap-ol-ah. A very hard and well worthy job indeed, but when can I just relax and not have to worry about if this kid is going to break out into a tantrum and throw a chair at me. I need a change of pace.

Steven told me about a job fair at his place of employment. A girl friend and I went to this fair thinking that they would give us info on what exactly we would be doing. A interview, some computer tests and a scheduled interview later I am out of the building finding myself a little nervous, scared and excited. This job would enable Steven and I to buy a NICE house. I would have my own health benefits, vacation, sick days and the possibility to work from home after 6 months to a year. That's right folks, work from home. This means no day care bills and I can be home with Kylie during the day. (Even though I may still send her to day care part time for interaction with her friends and a break for mommy).

My interview is today at 4:30. We will see what happens. If Dr. Seuss is right to influence me and God has a plan for me somewhere else, then I will get this job. I will miss working with the kids even thought it is tough. I have done nothing since a graduated but work with children. This will be a big change for me and I just maybe will have to taste thous green eggs and ham to see if I like them.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bites, funerals, and ear infections.

Wow. That's all I have to say. God is sure trying to test me.

Since I am not an avid writer, I will fill you in on my past events from Thursday of last week until today.

Thursday morning was filled with the average hustle and bustle in the morning of getting Kylie ready for Grandmas house and me off to work.
I actually arrived at work early that morning and was ready to start my day. The CLO was visiting our school today to put on a show about Pittsburgh's Innovators.
The little boy I work with day in and day out behaved very well at this show. Probably due to all the dancing and singing and also I think he had a fascination with the "Lisa's" (the lead in the play) hair.

I was thrilled that I did not have to redirect Gianni (the boy) constantly throughout the show. This made my morning great. Ahhh, but then I had to go and say it. "Wow, what a nice morning I've had."
During extended day Kindergarten, Gianni was not following rules. He did not go to his proper play area and was not listening to us teachers. Thus, his reward stickers were taken away from him.
Once I took off the last reward sticker, I glanced over at Gianni, and found him throwing a wooden block through the air and almost taking out one of the girls in the room. This is when I put him time-out. Once in time-out, Gianni yelled or rather screamed "NO TIME OUT!" and then bent down and took a big piece hunk of skin out of my arm with a vampire like bite. OUCH!
I stayed my calm and was all into the time-out. I showed him what he had done to me and then called for a sub to come in and take my place so I could get checked out. Meanwhile I'm bleeding down the hall and thinking I don't get paid enough for this.
Needless to say, a Dr.'s visit, tetness shot and some major bandaging later, I was somewhat back in one piece.
I went back to school the next day not sure of how I would feel when I returned. The school was buzzing about what had happened to me. Hypah Laws here we come. During the day Gianni laughed at me and punched me where my bite was in my arm. This is when I decided that maybe I need to just quite. I'm not a quitter and I know that I was given this job to help this little boy, but I need to look out for my best interest as well. I have a little girl and a husband at home that depend on me.

Steve has convinced me that maybe I should work where he does. They are looking for 65 people at their up-coming job fair. I would get benefits and the pay is much higher. There is an opportunity for me to work from home at a later time and I could ride with Steve everyday to work to save gas money.

On the other side of things, I found out on Thursday that my friend Mary's father passed away. Now Mary had lost her mother 3 years ago and her father got cancer soon after. She has no brothers or sisters and I'm pretty much it besides her husband. So this past weekend was filled with being a good friend to her and just being there. She is only 26 years old and has both parents gone. I just reminded her that her parents are together again and in a better place in heaven.

On this same day, Lisa (Steve's mom) calls and informs me after having a Dr.'s visit for her 18month checkup, that Kylie has a double ear infection. GREAT! I felt like a bad mom. Kylie gave me no signs what so ever that her ears were bothering her. Meanwhile she is in pain and I never knew.

All I want to do is scream for some sanity!